Guojun Zhang

Guojun Zhang


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I am an algorithmic engineer at MiniMax. My current research focus is on Alignment for LLMs, and transfer learning. I obtained my Ph.D [thesis] from the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo, also as a student affiliate of the Vector Institute. My PhD supervisors were Prof. Pascal Poupart and Prof. Yaoliang Yu. I obtained my master in theoretical physics from the Perimeter Institute, and I was fortunate to work with Prof. Freddy Cachazo on theoretical physics.

Research Interests: alignment, transfer learning, multimodality

Contact: "firstname"."lastname"




Selected Publications

Academic Services

Session Chair: ICML 2022, AISTATS 2024
Area Chair: AISTATS 2023-2024

PC Member: IJCAI
Conference Reviewer: NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, AISTATS, CoRL, AAAI
Program Committee: FL-IJCAI 2022, FL@FM-IJCAI 2024, FL@FM-ICME 2024
Journal Reviewer: Journal of Scientific Computing, TMLR, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
Workshop Reviewer: SyntheticData4ML Workshop NeurIPS 2022.


I like writing poems, reading, working out and traveling.

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